Content Tagged with ‘Beer Styles’

Ontario Brewer Podcast

Since 2010, I have been preparing and hosting the Ontario Brewer Podcast series for the Ontario Craft Brewers Association. These podcast feature interviews with Ontario brewers on a range of different topics.

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Not My Top 10 Picks

Posted May 28, 2014 | 10:17 am, by Mirella

…or How I picked the style examples listed in my new book Having taken the time to explain at length why I don’t make beer recommendations, in an earlier blog post, I thought I would take a moment to share how I selected the beer examples listed in the Beer Styles chapter of my first book,Beerology: Everything You Need to Know to Enjoy Beer…Even More. While the listed beers are recommendations, they are based on stylistic accuracy and geography rather than on my personal taste. For those […]


Top 10 Picks

Posted April 9, 2014 | 10:17 am, by Mirella

The only question I get more often than “what is it like being a woman in the beer industry?” is “what is yourfavourite beer?” Every media request that I receive includes questions like: Which do you think are the top 10 Canadian breweries? What are 5 recommended brands for patio season? Which new releases should we be seeking out? What do you think of X brand? Which breweries should we be keeping an eye out for? What are your top […]


A plea for styles

Posted February 12, 2013 | 5:38 pm, by Mirella

(an open letter to breweries) I came across a beer last night and it brought to mind a concern that I’ve often shared in my beer classes but never addressed in writing… Here’s what happened: I was leaving my local bar and the bartender flagged me down. She let me know that a new beer had just come in and she was curious to hear my thoughts because it was brewed in a style that she wasn’t familiar with: India […]